Software Portfolio
Wrestling Game
Online MultiPlayer Wrestling Game simulation. Create your wrestler. Have him learn the tricks of the business and grow in the rankings. Challenge the other wrestlers and fight your way to the championship cup. Developed with PHP and MySQL.
Our client required a local area specialized job postings and career development site. Mirchev Ideas took the challenge and delivered this outstanding solution. Developed with PHP and MySQL.
Christian Inaugural Eve Gala
We were approached with the requirement to develop very urgently web site and a reservation system for the Inaugural Eve Gala on January 19, 2005 celebrating the inauguration of the 43rd president of the United States - George W. Bush. Our immediate reaction and extremely fast delivery were very much appreciated. Developed with PHP and MySQL.
Southern California Catholic Prayer Breakfast
This breakfast is an important event. Tickets are $40 per seat. Tables are $400. How would one go to sell these tickets when there are buyers from all over the country? Mirchev Ideas developed a system allowing not just buying of tickets, but also allows the buyers to manage their tickets, assigning people to each seat that they have bought. The administrative interface allows viewing detailed statistics and assigning each virtual table in the system to a specific physical table at the event, so you can put the important people in the front tables. The payment system is integrated with AutorizeNet. Developed with PHP and MySQL.
Skills Tracking System
This project has been developed for an enterprise customer that needed to track it's own employees' training. Managing the training of hundreds of employees within multiple geographically dispersed groups, with 150+ of topics and subtopics, and 300+ subjects was a tough task before we delivered our solution. We polished the system by adding search capabilities and advanced management reporting capabilities with graphical charts, that help the company better manage it's precious human resource. Finding the qualified person for a given task directly translates into high quality, time savings, and increased profits. It has been developed using Java, MySQL and DHTML. Deployed on JBoss.
Website Content Directory
We have designed and developed a website content price comparison site. It includes modules for data extraction from more than 50 content providers, XML integration with even more content providers, and advanced search engine with filters, sorting and counters. We have developed custom searching algorithm as PHP extension module in C specially for this site, which guarantees very high performance under heavy load. We have also developed the rest of the site, which includes directories for various services. It has been developed using PHP, MySQL, DHTML and JavaScript. The search module has been developed in C.
Drive Traffic
This is a Pay-Per-Click system for text ads, similar to the Google AdWords system. New advertisers can signup, create new ads, and post them in a few minutes. The ads can be grouped by campaigns, each with it's separate configuration options. Drive Traffic automatically chooses the best ads to show, in order to maximize the revenue for Drive Traffic proud owner. The e-commerce part of the system supports payment for the ads by credit cards and checks. It has been developed using PHP, MySQL, DHTML and JavaScript.